What is the Writeplacer?
Writeplacer is the essay part of the Accuplacer exam.
As part of the test, you may need to write an essay of 300 to 600 words.
If you would like more information getting a Writeplacer guide, please click on the link below.
Writeplacer Essay Types
There are two types of essays on the Writeplacer.
The essay may be the quotation and response type or it may be the personal experience type.
You will need to write an essay that has a good logical flow and that is grammatically correct.
Your essay should also contain advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structures.
The essay is scored automatically by a software program.
You will get your result on screen after you click the submit button.
Quotation and Response Essay
The quotation and response type of essay consists of a quotation and an assignment.
For example: “Love is blind.” Do you agree that love blinds us to the faults of others?
Personal Experience Essay
The personal experience type of question will ask you to write about an experience you have had.
For instance: Describe your favorite teacher and explain how he or she influenced you.
Writeplacer Success
Writeplacer Success tells you all the tips and tricks that you need for the essay.
You will learn how to understand the way that the scoring software works and to help you raise your score.
The book leads you through the essay writing process step-by-step.
It starts with how to write the introduction and thesis statement.
You will learn how to compose focused topic sentences and main body paragraphs.
The book also shows you how to write the conclusion to the essay.
To help raise your score, there are sentence building and grammatical exercises and sample essays for you to study.
There are exercises in each section of the book, with answers and explanations.
Writeplacer Success is available in both paperback and digital download form.
For information on the paperback version of the book, please click on the image or link below.

Writeplacer Success – Table of Contents
The table of contents from Writeplacer Success is provided below for your reference.
Essay Format & Question Types
Scoring – How the Automated Scoring Software Works
How to Avoid Common Writeplacer Errors and Raise Your Score
Writeplacer Essay Structure
Creating Effective Thesis Statements
Thesis Statement – Exercises
Writing the Introduction
Writing the Introduction – Exercises
Organizing the Main Body
Elaboration in the Body Paragraphs
Elaboration of Supporting Points – Exercises
Using Linking Words and Subordination to Build Sentences
Using Linking Words and Subordination to Build Sentences – Exercises
Writing the Main Body Paragraphs – Exercises
Sample Main Body Paragraphs
Writing Clear and Concise Topic Sentences
Topic Sentences – Exercises
Writing the Conclusion
Writing the Conclusion – Exercises
Using Correct Grammar and Punctuation
Using Correct Grammar and Punctuation – Exercises
The Importance of Vocabulary for the Essay – Using the Academic Word List
Academic Word List
Sample Essays and Exercises