LOEP Test Prep

What is the LOEP Test?

The LOEP Test is a special version of the exam for international students whose first language is not English.  The LOEP Test is also known as the ESL Exam.

ESL means English as a Second Language, while LOEP stands for Levels of English Language Proficiency.

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LOEP Test – Free Sample

An extract from our LOEP Test practice material is provided below.

Our LOEP practice tests include reading comprehension, language usage, and sentence meaning.

LOEP Test – Reading Skills

Instructions: For this section, you will read short passages and answer questions about them. Some questions will be about information which you can find directly in the passage. For other questions, you must make inferences from what you have read.

Question 1

1. The recent increase in teenage smoking has occurred in youth from higher-income families. In other words, these teenagers are not from financially-disadvantaged backgrounds, as most people think. Actually, research reveals the opposite conclusion because the recent rise in smoking is by teenagers from the wealthiest families.

What is the primary purpose of this passage?

A. To provide information on a recent trend

B. To emphasize the dangers of smoking

C. To dispel a common misconception

D. To highlight the difference between two types of teenagers

Question 2

2. The super tomato is perhaps the most well-known case of gene splicing. To produce the super tomato, the cold-resistant gene of a particular type of fish was isolated on its DNA chain. The gene was taken from the fish and inserted into a tomato plant. This resulted in the super tomato, a fruit that can grow even in cold weather.

From this passage, it seems safe to conclude that:

A. the super tomato was the first case of gene splicing.

B. the super tomato is only one example of gene splicing.

C. DNA from tomatoes has also been inserted into certain types of fish.

D. Many people object to gene splicing.

LOEP Test – Language Usage

Instructions: This section of the test assesses your knowledge of English grammar. For the first part of this section, you must choose the word or phrase that makes a grammatically correct sentence.

For the second part of this section, you will see two sentences. You must then choose a grammatically correct sentence from the answer choices that has the same meaning as the two sentences provided.

Questions 3 to 5

3. We hope __________ on vacation this Saturday.

A. to go

B. to going

C. going

D. to have gone

4. No sooner __________ than Alice left the party.

A. we arrived

B. had we arrived

C. we had arrived

D. arriving

5. I have never seen __________ performance.

A. such an awful

B. such awful a

C. so an awful

D. a so awful

Question 6

6. I did not pass my exam. I did not study for it.

A. I did not study for my exam, because of this I did not pass it.

B. I did not study for my exam, and because of this, I did not pass it.

C. I did not pass my exam because of I did not study for it.

D. I did not pass my exam because of not study for it.

Question 7

7. My friend put on her seatbelt. Therefore, she was not hurt in the accident.

A. My friend would be injured in the accident had she not put on her seat belt.

B. My friend would have been injured in the accident have she not put on her seat belt.

C. My friend would has been injured in the accident had she not put on her seat belt.

D. My friend would have been injured in the accident had she not put on her seat belt.

Question 8

8. My mother will visit me this weekend. She will bring my brother along with her.

A. My mother will bring my brother along with her, who will visit me this weekend.

B. My brother along with her, my mother who will visit me this weekend.

C. My mother, who will visit me this weekend, will bring my brother along with her.

D. My mother, will visit me this weekend, will bring my brother along with her.

LOEP Test – Sentence Meaning

Instructions: This section of the LOEP tests your knowledge of English vocabulary. For the first part of this section, you must choose the correct word to fill in the gaps in the sentences provided.

For the second part of this section, you will read sentences that contain idioms. You must then choose the answers that best explain the idioms provided.

Questions 9 to 11

9. The store specializes in formal __________ for men and women, including suits and dresses.

A. apparel

B. fads

C. whims

D. enterprises

10. The media’s emphasis on health and fitness has caused many new gyms to spring ____________ .

A. out

B. around

C. up

D. forward

11. The ceremony __________ at 9:00 and lasts until 11:00.

A. compels

B. commences

C. prompts

D. fetters


1.   A
2.   B
3.   A
4.   B
5.   A
6.   B
7.   D
8.   C
9.   A
10. C
11.  B

LOEP Test Format

The LOEP tests the international student’s ability to use high-level English language grammar and vocabulary.

The LOEP also assesses reading comprehension skills.

The test has three sections:

Reading Skills:

You will read short passages and answer questions about them, including direct questions and inferences.

Language Usage:

This part of the LOEP test evaluates your English grammar skills.

Sentence Meaning:

This section of the test examines your knowledge of English vocabulary.

Each section of the actual LOEP Test contains 20 questions.

Our LOEP Practice Test PDF download includes three full-length LOEP practice tests and answers.

Our practice tests are in the same format as the actual LOEP Exam.

For for a description of the topics in our LOEP Test Study Guide, please click here:

ESL LOEP Test Information

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