What is a Dangling Modifier? – Study the Examples
Dangling Modifier Examples:
Have look at these dangling modifier examples:
Having a solid roof to protect against the wind and rain, the weary travelers took refuge from the bad weather in the cabin.
In the sentence above, these words form the modifier: “Having a solid roof to protect against the wind and rain”
However, the sentence as it is written implies that the travelers have the roof, rather than the cabin.
The sentence below shows another of our dangling modifier examples.
Possessing enough strength to carry two tons of cargo, we are so pleased with our new pickup truck.
As it is written, the sentence implies that the owners themselves can carry two tons of cargo.
The correct version of the sentence is:
Possessing enough strength to carry two tons of cargo, our new pickup truck is so pleasing to us.
Modifiers – Defined:
Modifiers are words in a sentence that modify or describe something within the sentence.
The modifier should be placed directly before the thing it is describing.
Correct Modifier Example:
Having a solid roof to protect against the wind and rain, the cabin was a refuge for the weary travelers in the bad weather.
The following words form the modifier: “Having a solid roof to protect against the wind and rain”
Our modifier is correctly placed within the sentence because it is the cabin that has the roof, and “the cabin” is placed directly after the comma.
In the next section, look at the dangling modifier examples that show incorrect modifier placement.
Avoiding Dangling Modifiers – Tips:
When you see an introductory phrase in a sentence, ask yourself what that phrase is describing.
Remember: Always place the modifier directly before or after the thing it describes.
More English Grammar for the Accuplacer
If you are looking for English questions for the Accuplacer exam, please click on the links below for free sample questions on these parts of the placement test.
Free Online Accuplacer Reading Test
Accuplacer Writing Tests – Free Practice
English Questions on the Accuplacer
The English part of the Accuplacer includes reading and writing sections.
Grammar skills tested on the writing exam include:
- comparatives and superlatives
- adjective usage
- parallelism
- pronouns usage
- modifier placement
- avoiding sentence fragments
- punctuation and capitalization
- use of cohesive devices
Your reading skills will be tested on the Next Generation reading exam.
You may also be expected to write an essay in order to assess your English language skills for the Accuplacer. Please see our Writeplacer page for more details.
Note that if English is not your first language, you will probably take a version of the Accuplacer called the ESL LOEP.
English Test – Classic Accuplacer
Note: The exercises found at the links below are for the Classic version of the Accuplacer, which was phased out in January 2019.
The English part of the Classic examination had sections on sentence skills and reading comprehension.
Sentence skills on the old exam assessed your ability to write grammatically correct sentences, which are also punctuated correctly.
If your college is still offering a form of the placement test that includes sentence skills, you may wish to study these pages:
Practice with Sentence Completion
Understanding Sentence Relationships
For further information, you can also click on the links at the top of this page in the “Classic Test” tab.
More Dangling Modifier Examples & English Help
Please click on the links and images below for further resources.
Grammar Help from Purdue University